
Prirodno i kulturno nasleđe : Istražite srednjovekovne manastire i netaknutu prirodu Istočne Srbije

Osetite duh srpske srednjevekovne države i uživajte u nestvarnim pejzažima Istočne Srbije na turi manastiri Manasija i Ravanica, bez stresa oko organizacije i logistike. Privatni vodič će se pobrinuti da sve prođe glatko, pružajući vam nezaboravno iskustvo.


Pregled Ture

8-9 sati
Vožnja i pešice
Sezonska, 15.04.-31.10.
Jednostavno za sve


Šta očekivati na turi Manastiri Manasija i Ravanica u 2025

Ako ste zaljubljenik u istoriju, arhitekturu i prirodu, onda imamo pravu turu za vas. Osetite duhovnost i tradiciju srednjovekovnih manastira Manasije i Ravanice, i saznajte zašto su bitni za srpsku istoriju. Uživajte u netaknutim pejzažima Istočne Srbije i istražite koje tajne krije Resavska pećina. Osvežite pored vodopada Veliki Buk i prepustite se ukusnim lokalnim gurmanlucima. Ukoliko vas zanimaju još neki srednjevekovni manastiri savetujemo da pogledate turu Žiča i Studenica.


  • Obiđite srednjevekovne manastire Manasiju i Ravanicu i saznajte više o njihovoj arhitekturi, freskama i turbulentnoj istoriji.
  • Uživajte u prirodnim lepotama Istočne Srbije, otkrijte skriveni biser- vodopad Veliki Buk i ručajte u restoranu nadomak vodopada.
  • Kroz vođenu turu sa lokalnim vodičem istražite 80 mil. godina staru Resavsku pećinu i otkrijte njene tajne.
  • Provedite zabavan dan sa privatnim vodičem koji će brinuti o vama i saznajte više o lokalnim legendama i nasleđu ovog dela Srbije.

Tok ture

#YourSerbiaHost će vas pokupiti sa vaše adrese u jutarnjim časovima (uobičajeno vreme polaska je 9h) i krećete na put do Ravanice, ka istoku Srbije. Ovaj manastir iz XIV veka osnovao je knez Lazar i ujedno predstavlja i njegovu grobnu crkvu u kojoj počivaju njegove svete mošti. Pored religijske i istorijske vrednosti koju ovaj manastir ima za srpski narod, on je takođe i začetnik novog pravca u srpskoj srednjovekovnoj arhitekturi – sa Ravanicom je započeta Moravska škola arhitekture.

Iz Ravanice produžavate planinskim putevima kroz Istočnu Srbiju vozeći se kroz živopisne pejzaže očuvane prirode i stižete do Resavske pećine, najpoznatije pećine kod nas. Otkrivena je 1960ih, dugačka je 2830m i procenjuje se da je stara oko 80 miliona godina. Vi ćete obići 800m dužine koji se prostiru kroz četiri različite dvorane.

Gde ima pećina tu ima i vodopada, tako je i ovde, a nedaleko od Resavske pećine čeka vas vodopad Veliki buk. Možda ovo nije najveći vodopad koji ste videli, ali će vas kupiti svojom lepotom, bistrom vodom i čistom prirodom koja ga okružuje. Kao šlag na torti, utisak upotpunjuju obližnji restorančići u kome služe lokalnu pastrmku ili jela sa Homolja.

Posle ručka krećete ka poslednjoj tački na turi, monumentalnom manastiru iz XV veka. Manasiju (Resavu) je osnovao despot Stefan Lazarević, sin kneza Lazara, početkom XV veka sa željom da po lepoti i veličini nadmaši očevu Ravanicu. Sami ćete prosuditi da li je u tome uspeo. Sam prizor kada se približite Manasiji oduzima dah, kada vidite te visoke zidine koje okružuju manastirsku crkvu Svetog trojstva i manastirske konake. Od vodiča ćete saznati zašto ovaj manastir ima bitno mesto u našoj istoriji i koje se sve legende vezuju za njega.

Nakon Manasije krećete put Beograda gde stižete u kasnim popodnevnim satima, obično oko 18h.

Dobro je da znate

Plan rute koju smo naveli u opisu ture nije fiksiran, već je rezultat naše percepcije najzanimljivijih tačaka na datoj ruti, a prema sopstvenom iskustvu. Ukoliko želite da promenite rutu obavestite nas pre rezervacije.
Primarni jezik ture je engleski, ali na zahtev #YourSerbiaHost takođe može pružiti uslugu na ruskom, nemačkom, francuskom, španskom i naravno srpskom.
Postoji nekoliko načina. Slanjem upita pritiskom na taster „Pošaljite upit/Send inquiry“ u gornjem desnom uglu ekrana (ili na dnu stranice ukoliko pristupate sa mobilnog uređaja). Preko naše kontakt stranice, ili pozivom na mobilni|WhatsApp|Viber +38163684466.
Ukoliko iz nekog razloga morate da otkažete turu, u roku od 24 sata pre početka ture vratićemo vam 100% plaćenog iznosa.
Kupovinom direktno preko našeg sajta osiguravate dobijanje najbolje cene za turu.
Najjednostavniji način da rezervišete ovu turu je preko našeg onlajn sistema za rezervaciju i plaćanje (onlajn plaćanje moguće samo za nerezidente). Pritiskom na taster „Rezervacija“  koji se nalazi ispod započinjete proces rezervacije preko zaštićene konekcije. Za rezidente, proces rezervacije je drugačiji i u tom slučaju je potrebno da nas kontaktirate.

Uslovi korišćenja

Zaštita intelektualne svojine


април 19, 2022
This was the second tour that we had the privilege of taking with Andrija Vatović and Serbian Private Tours. We had an absolutely beautiful spring day for our trip, which was just icing on the cake. These monasteries are all the more beautiful for their rough history, and the damage sustained. The history of the monasteries in this country is something I definitely did not fully appreciate before these trips, and now, I just want to know more! The visit to Resava Cave was a nice change of pace, in a week full of history and architecture. "Andrew" is an incredibly knowledgeable guide and was able to share the story of the construction of the monasteries, their place in Serbian history, and how they related to the other monasteries we had seen during our first tour (Fruska Gora). His knowledge of history is second to none, and he is an excellent teacher, explaining the connections and contradictions that have derived from centuries of challenge and conflict. We were incredibly lucky to have 3 days of tours with him on our recent visit to Belgrade, and still feel that we only scratched the surface of what he knows about the country and region's history. Hope to have the chance to reacquaint in the future for more conversations! Date of experience: April 2022

The comment is taken from TripAdvisor review page connected to our service, to see the source follow this link.

април 26, 2019
First of all, if you can get Andrija Vatovic as your driver / guide, do so. The man has a great command of Serbian / world history, and his knowledge of the sites you'll be visiting will make a great trip even better. More importantly, he's just a great guy who has an instinct for custom tailoring a tour to his clients' specific needs. My wife and I are no spring chickens, and I'm in need of a knee replacement. Andrija recognized that and conducted the tour at a pace that worked for us. In addition to that, he took time to snap tons of photos of us during the tour, which he promptly e-mailed to me the day after the tour. As for the destinations themselves, they're beautiful, peaceful, loaded with history, and a great diversion from the hustle and bustle of Belgrade. Andrija's choice for a lunch venue was perfect, too. Situated outdoors near a small but beautiful waterfall, the restaurant served up both great views and what may very well have been the best meal I had during a vacation in which everything I ate was delicious. I could go on and on, but If I haven't convinced you by now, I probably never will. Book the trip; you'll be glad you did. Oh, and...thanks again, Andrija!

The comment is taken from TripAdvisor review page connected to our service, to see the source follow this link.

adeel a
март 12, 2018
Miljan picked us up from our hotel and we continued on our 1 day full tour. The tour was great for myself and my 3 other friends with lots of interesting sites of interest. The monasteries where great to see and Miljan had lots of information to make the experience more enjoyable. The caves where also very cool to explore in Eastern Serbia and again the guide was great. The tour is a full day and the journey quite long approx 2-3 hours in the car each way - having a friendly, talkative and informative guide made the experience great. Miljan also took photos along the way to capture those images you would not be able to on your own and emailed them over later. Great private tour - highly recommended.

The comment is taken from TripAdvisor review page connected to our service, to see the source follow this link.

октобар 7, 2017
Miljan was our guide, and he was great - professional, friendly, knowledgeable and informed, as well as very skilled with the English language. It was nice to get out into the country to see the monasteries, and the cave was fascinating, too.

The comment is taken from TripAdvisor review page connected to our service, to see the source follow this link.


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Available departures

This is a daily tour.

Details on Prices and Services

Cena ture (cene su za turu, a ne po osobi):
1-3 osobe 42590 RSD
4-7 osoba 70990 RSD
8+ osoba Na upit
Usluge koje su uključene u cenu:
Usluga vozača/vodiča
Organizacija ture
Flaširana voda
Jednokratna hirurška maska će biti obezbeđena ukoliko nemate svoju
Dodatni troškovi:
Ulaznica za Resavsku pećinu 500 RSD po osobi
Ulaznica za vodopad Veliki buk 100 RSD po osobi
Ručak ~1500 RSD po osobi*
Lični troškovi i bakšiš
*Prikazana cena je prosečna cena ručka na osnovu a-la cart menija restorana, ali cena može da varira u zavisnosti od narudžbine.